
AgricultureEconomyEditor's Pick

Making Sense of Falling Apples Prices in Jammu and Kashmir

Apple growers in Kashmir Valley are on the roads to express their simmering anger due to price crashes and infrastructural bottlenecks. Out of  2.1- 2.9 million tons of apples grown in India annually, around 75 percent comes from the Kashmir valley. In order to enhance the income of apple growers, there is a need to address the infrastructural bottlenecks, technical upgradation of capabilities of horticultural staff, improvement in market intelligence system, branding and government need to regulate the pesticides. Further, there is also a need for reducing the layers in the supply chain by necessary ICT intervention. The government needs to explore Cooperative farming, strengthen farmer-produce organizations and incentivize the establishment of fruit processing units.

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AgricultureEditor's PickEnvironmentIndia

Fishing in Troubled Waters: Lake Kolleru

“To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent thinking”, said Aldo Leopold. Lake Kolleru is showing signs of poor water quality and habitat deterioration. There is an urgent need to ascertain the levels of habitat destruction, over-exploitation, and encroachments in the once peerless fishermen’s paradise and birds’ heaven.

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Can NEP-2020 show the way to Modi Government on Farm Laws Issue?

Modi government has made repeal of three farm laws a prestige issue. There are lessons in how NEP-2020 received wide support from all stakeholders after the 2016 policy draft was widely criticized and the government went back to the drafting table. Modi-II regime can learn from Modi-I regime’s experiences on engaging meaningfully with stakeholders when working on crucial policy reforms.

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Implications of Migration from Rural Areas

With the improving education qualifications in the young population, they tend to move towards urban centres for more valuable occupations. This leaves behind unskilled labour in rural areas having limited knowledge of new technologies. With increasing amenities in urban areas escalating the industrial sector, the pressure is building upon rural areas. Migrants are enticed to leave the villages to fulfil the needs of urban people and industries.

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Farm Acts 2020: Farmer Unions and the Logic of Survival

The commentary around any policy change in our country, unfortunately, seems to boil down to who understands India better. The resulting discussion often devolves into adversarial claims about the ‘real vs. imagined’, with all sides, of course, claiming the real for themselves. Hence, this article intends to focus more on the drivers of the protests rather than forecasting the possible outcomes of the policy change.

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