Author: Prateek Yadav

Editor's PickEnvironmentFood & Health

Clean Drinking Water: A Necessity Increasingly Difficult to Fulfill

The paucity of an essential invisible – clean drinking water – is threatening the very existence of homo sapiens. India finds itself at the 120th rank among 122 countries in the Water Quality Index. Three-fourths of rural households find it difficult to get drinking water in India. In large tracts of remote and arid regions of India having high solar irradiance, especially the Thar Desert, Solar Thermal Desalination technology can play a crucial role in fulfilling the needs of the local communities. Strong local institutions and community participation would become the key to their success. The government must encourage private players to provide technological solutions to tackle the water crisis while ensuring that the accessibility of clean drinking water remains a basic and universal right, instead of becoming a paid service.

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Editor's PickIndiaPolitics

New India: What to focus on – ‘Positivity Rate’ or ‘Positivity Drive’?

Rather than crediting all positives to the regime, and all negatives to the ‘enemies of the state’, we, as a democracy and as ideological inheritors of our freedom fighters, have the moral responsibility of taking the society forward while accounting for the positives as well as the negatives of all the governments democratically elected by us – we, the people!

If the reality is ‘negative’ news, let’s face it. If the reality is ‘positive’ news, let’s rejoice in it! But, let’s not ‘build’ positive news by concealing the reality!

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Editor's PickHuman RightsIndia

India’s Treatment of the Dead: Shame on Humanity or Shame on Governance?

How come our society has stooped down to such levels? Is this incident a rare outlier in our so-called ‘culturally rich and diverse society’ or is it a feeling being identified by many? Are social conventions above the survival of a human?
It is indeed an appalling reality of our civilisation which we need to face point-blank keeping aside the so-called excuse of ‘negativity all around in pandemic era’.
The earliest realization of the fact that the large size of India’s population is reeling under penury is the only way to catalyse the government for strategizing jobs/source of livelihood to every hand.

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Editor's PickIndiaPolitics

Should Incumbent Ministers and Chief Ministers Campaign for Civic Body Polls?

As of late, it has been observed that many charismatic leaders across major political parties of India, who happen to be incumbent Ministers of Union and Chief Ministers, have started campaigning even for civic body polls for their favoured candidates. However, should these individuals holding constitutional offices really campaign for their parties?

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Editor's PickPoliticsWorld

Beginning of a new Cold War

As we reach the midway of 2020, the year is giving no respite from its wrathful events. Apart from the pandemic, the year 2020 will also be remembered as the year of the beginning of a new Cold War. The COVID-19 pandemic has become the flashpoint as both countries blame each other for the devastation caused by the virus across the world. To avoid falling into Tacitus Trap, both the countries are playing the nationalist card to regain their lost legitimacy.

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