Quotes of the Day (Archive) –
This section carries the daily wisdom quotes on life. The purpose of daily wisdom quotes on life is not to communicate anything new but to just sensitize the reader about the things already known to them. The quotes are worth reading for the benefit of the readers and visitors of TheRise.co.in.
“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” – Mahatma Gandhi
April 30, 2020
“Don’t listen to what you fear, rather listen to what you know”
May 1, 2020
“Handling failures with enthusiasm is the road to success”
May 2, 2020
“Always try to do something that makes a difference and enjoy the privilege of looking back to relish your contribution”
May 3, 2020
“Nothing is impossible for those having the willingness to achieve”
May 4, 2020
“Achievers practice superior thinking and put in serious efforts in few things instead of putting average efforts on too many”
May 5, 2020
“Reading alone will not lead to success, but the understanding and application of the reading matters”
May 6, 2020
“For practicing all virtues, one needs to have courage, so have the courage to achieve anything”
May 7, 2020
“Learning may be difficult, but unlearning may be much more difficult”
May 8, 2020
“Do look at someone’s success by looking at the obstacles overcome and not the achievements alone”
May 9, 2020
“Taking risks give experience, so be brave, get experience and achieve your goal”
May 10, 2020
“Do not expect reward while doing acts of kindness. Opportunity and one’s capability to do such acts is reward in itself”
May 11, 2020
“Thinking positively holds better solution to miseries than thinking negatively”
May 12, 2020
“Character of Trees, Values of its root and Change as in leaves is worth learning”
May 13, 2020
Read: UN Quotes to Get Inspired for the New Global Goals
“Biggest achievement of goal setting is the discipline learnt and character built in the process to achieve it”
May 14, 2020
“With the positive attitude and application of mind, nothing is impossible in this world”
May 15, 2020
“Hardships in life are necessary to make one skillful to face challenges of life”
May 16, 2020
“Don’t get afraid of difficult path, the right path is usually difficult”
May 17, 2020
“Happiness lies in giving more and not in getting more”
May 18, 2020
“Believing in dreams is essential to secure the future”
May 19, 2020
“Be happy by approving yourself instead of seeking approval of others for yourself”
May 20, 2020
“Growth and strength are synonymous to efforts and struggle”
May 21, 2020
“There is no magic to change the world, it is with individuals who carry the power to change within”
May 22, 2020
“Correct mistakes and march ahead to achieve your goal”
May 23, 2020
“Practice leadership by your attitude and actions and not by words alone”
May 24, 2020
“Secret of success lies in putting heart, mind, and soul in every actions”
May 25, 2020
“Keep sustaining storms of difficulties to emerge stronger”
May 26, 2020
“Unless you let yourself free, you can not know how far you can rise”
May 27, 2020
“Climbing the height seldom hurts, it is the pebble in the shoe that hurts”
May 28, 2020
“Fear of failure should not be allowed to be more than the excitement of success”
May 29. 2020
“Try to be a person who makes something happen instead of being a person who just wants and wishes for something to happen”
May 30, 2020
“To remain happy, change your view, try to see opportunity in every difficulty”
May 31, 2020
“Hope and confidence strengthen the road to success”
June 1, 2020
“Get your full potential by continuous efforts, no matter how strong and intelligent you are”
June 2, 2020
“Whatever comes to life has an opportunity behind, just use it”
June 3, 2020
“Not to try is a bigger failure than defeat”
June 4, 2020
“While putting in efforts, do not bother much for the outcome, as efforts are essential for transformation”
June 5, 2020
“Harmony in one’s thinking, saying and actions results in Happiness”
June 6, 2020
“Opinion may bring small change, while bigger change will come by setting an example”
June 7, 2020
“To learn is difficult, but to unlearn is much more difficult”
June 8, 2020
“Imagination and Dreaming create excitement for the possibilities and help in planning”
June 9, 2020
“One having critics is more likely to get success than the one having no critics”
June 10, 2020
“Do something so that the days count and not the counting of the days”
June 11, 2020
“Standing up to the enemies is a great deal, but standing up for friends is a much greater deal “
June 12, 2020
“Energy, Intensity, and Conviction of actions is important for achieving the Goals”
June 13, 2020
“Losing the unique opportunity amounts to losing the prize”
June 14, 2020
“Life is to grow and not to just go through”
June 15, 2020
“Accomplishment is function of discipline and commitment towards goal”
June 16, 2020
“Trusting yourself is the secret to success”
June 17, 2020
“Situations are not in control, but attitude is in control. For happiness customize attitude as per the situation”
June 18, 2020
“Top and bottom are relative, so always remember that every top is bottom for something else”
June 19, 2020
“Seeing future is more important than seeing the past”
June 20, 2010
“Determination at wake up time results in satisfaction at bed time”
June 21, 2020
“Do not miss the opportunity, as in most of cases it is disguised work”
June 22, 2020
“Intentions translate into results by commitment and perseverance”
June 23, 2020
“Elevators can’t take you to success , Practice climbing stairs to reach success”
June 24, 2020
“An idea in time is more powerful than any force in the world”
June 25, 2020
“Patience, Time and Perseverance are powerful warriors for achieving success”
June 26, 2020
“Will to prepare for winning is more important than mere will to win”
June 27, 2020
“Being irrationally passionate for the goal brings success”
June 28, 2020
“One should be happier for efforts put to attain goals than upon achieving the goal”
June 29, 2020
“Nobody can make someone learn in the absence of learning aptitude in the learner”
June 30, 1010
“Practicing any art helps one’s soul grow”
July 1, 2020
“Teams gain strength from its members, also each member gets strength from the team”
July 2, 2020
“Perfection will follow, if one strives for progress”
July 3, 2020
“Try to be a person with good words and also good deeds”
July 4, 2020
“When someone doubts your potential and discourages, then be far off so that you can’t hear them”
July 5, 2020
“One gets a chance to behave wisely every day than before, so act wisely”
July 06, 2020
“Commitment accepts no excuses, it only wants results”
July 07, 2020
“Do not allow others to disturb your inner peace”
July 08, 2020
“Circumstances never create trouble in life, rather absence of meaning and purpose of life create trouble”
July 09, 2020
“To remain happy, ponder upon what has been given to you instead of what has been denied”
July, 10, 2020
“Remember smile is always below the nose, relish it”
July 11, 2020
“Be role model with the energy you wish the world to have”
July 12, 2020
“Working for the work of choice is a passion while working for the work, not of choice is stress”
July 13, 2020
“Keeping control on mind keeps the life in appropriate place”
July 14, 2020
“In life one is tested to discover strengths and not the weakness”
July 15, 2020
“Do not lose someone for something, because life can return that something but not someone”
July 16, 2020
“Aiming for becoming great and grand will produce exceptional results”
July 17, 2020
“Words hold the magic of creating positivity as well as negativity, use them carefully”
July 18, 2020
“Do not let the fear in mind lead, rather let the dream in heart lead”
July 19, 2020
“Love the life to have life of dreams”
July 20, 2020
“Learn new ways of thinking so as to master in a new way “
July 21, 2020
“Most important lesson of life is to continue to learn”
July 22, 2020
“No one can save us, but have to save ourselves from odds in life”
July 23, 2020
“One never knows what is going to happen next, so keep doing as you go along”
July 24, 2020
“It is not someone else who will work for your happiness, it is yourself who has to work for creating happiness”
July 25, 2020
“Fix destination and keep moving for achieving it without bothering for the hardships on the path”
July 26, 2020
“Everything appears difficult till one tries for it”
July 27, 2020
“Path to success is always bumpy, so move on undeterred”
July 28, 2020
“Power lies in one’s mind and not in any outside event, so realize it and remain strong”
July 29, 2020
“Today’s struggle strengthens you for tomorrow”
July 30, 2020
“Try to be a person who is liked by most of the persons”
July 31, 2020
“Worthiness is exhibited by success”
August 1, 2020
“Keep faith on your self and work for your aspirations. you will definitely achieve”
August 2, 2020
“Discover your mission and work for it with enthusiasm”
August 03, 2020
“Knowing the fear and refusal to accept it is the sign of one’s empowerment”
August 04, 2020
“Live your life to inspire the world”
August 05, 2020
“Pleasure of life lies in helping others”
August 06, 2020
“It is important to win, but more important is to remain undefeated within yourself”
August 07, 2020
“To achieve success, always treat failure as one important milestone on the path to success”
August 08, 2020
“Stretching the mind creates its new dimensions”
August 09, 2020
“GOD gives problems to those who can solve them, so keep moving considering yourself to be fortunate enough for being capable of doing so”
August 10, 2020
“Get empowered by refusing to obey the fear even after knowing it”
August 11, 2020
“Life requires faith in yourself and clarity of purpose”
August 12, 2020
“Traveler does not know the purpose of journey every time”
August, 13, 2020
“One should be clean in heart and mind before uttering any word”
August 14, 2020
“Live every moment of life with love, grace, and gratitude to experience happiness”
August 15, 2020
“Always value the people and things you have in life, they are most precious”
August 16, 2020
“Replacing fear of failure with the courage of facing every consequence is key to reach goals”
August 17, 2020
“Fix your own troubles than fixing those of others to be happy”
August 18, 2020
“Relish happy moments and forget the bad ones to remain happy in life”
August 19, 2020
“Control your attitude to control your life”
August 20, 2020
“Perseverance leads to success”
August 21, 2020
“You will never get free time and spare time in the life time, its upto you to manage”
August 22, 2020
“Your true power is in controlling yourself, not in controlling others”
August 23, 2020
“Always remain happy by relishing your good deeds and positive thoughts”
August 24, 2020
“For good health and happiness do good for others and enjoy its joy”
August 25, 2020
“Try to give, if you get and try to teach if you learn”
August 26, 2020
“Accepting challenges and looking forward to move on is the life”
August 27, 2020
“Education transforms soul like the sculpture transforms stone”
August 28, 2020
“Do not limit imagination, as perception is always bigger than reality”
August 29, 2020
“Storms in life is temporary, but blessings of GOD are permanent”
August 30, 2020
“Excitement of winning should always be greater than the fear of losing”
August 31, 2020
“Do not limit your imagination as perception is always greater than reality”
September 01, 2020
“Life may test you not to show your weaknesses, but to make you discover your strengths”
September 02, 2020
“Trying impossible things only delimits the possibilities”
September 03, 2020
“Keep moving from failure to failure with enthusiasm for getting success”
September 04, 2020
“Do not ignore things and persons around you as they don’t have a price, one may realize their price upon losing them”
September 05, 2020
“Making permanent decisions on temporary feelings is not good”
September 06, 2020
“Do not worry for the trouble in anticipation, as trouble will create troubles when it comes “
September 07, 2020
“Attract people by the quality you display and retain people by your qualities”
September 08, 2020
“The potential of mind is to keep one happy even n difficult times”
September 09, 2020
“Be kind to become one among the most beautiful persons in the world”
September 10, 2020
“Make life worthwhile by accepting challenges, failures and opportunities”
September 11, 2020
“There is no excuse to hard work”
September 12, 2020
“Failures make you learn what to do for achieving success”
September 13, 2020
“To be happy is simple but to be simple is difficult”
September 14, 2020
“Be kind to everyone as it can be even felt by blinds and deaf”
September 15, 2020
“Do not wait for anything special, start from wherever you are with whatever you have and perform to the best of your capability”
September 16, 2020
“Do not worry for exposure, your achievements will expose you in the same way as a lamp introduces itself with light without speaking”
September 17, 2020
“Be focussed and determined, success will come on its own”
September 18, 2020
“Gratitude nucleates great things, be grateful to every thing you have”
September 19, 2020
“Desire for getting more but do not get distressed if could not get it as whatever is with you is not little”
September 20, 2020
“Best investment is to invest upon yourself”
September 21, 2020
“Be gratefulness, gratitude remembers past, brings peace for today and vision for future”
September 22, 2020
“Fear should not be allowed to dominate on yourself”
September 23, 2020
“One should strive to be a Legend by working tirelessly for satisfaction as working for success will merely make you a Master”
September 24, 2020
“Keep spreading happiness and hope around for joyful life”
September 25, 2020
“Secret of success lies in putting heart, mind and soul in every act”
September 26, 2020
“Know your values and live your values”
September 27, 2020
“Good relations are silent with deep faith about their unconditional presence in each other’s life”
September 28, 2020
“One should not hesitate to go against the currents to reach the destiny”
September 29, 2020
“Develop practice of being helpful and kind to each other so that everyone can sustain storms of life alike”
September 30, 2020
“Always speak truth so that you need not to remember what you said”
October 01, 2020
“One who does not face challenges always faces challenges in everything”
October 02, 2020
“Everyone remains unaware of their capabilities unless one demands for more and more to do”
October 03, 2020
“Defeating anyone is easy but to win someone is difficult”
October 04, 2020
“As the polishing is necessary for Gem to shine so is the requirement of trials for human being to be perfect”
October 05, 2020
“Success without positive attitude is Luck while success with positive attitude is Achievement”
October 06, 2020
“Age brings wisdom and travel brings understanding”
October 07, 2020
“Character is judged by the restraint exercised by one in not doing something wrong which can be done”
October 08, 2020
“Do not look at magnitude of problem to feel discouraged rather look at it as opportunity to test your potential”
October 09, 2020
“Go for extra mile as there will be no traffic jam there”
October 10, 2020
“Use your strengths in service of your vision instead of being afraid”
October 11, 2020
“Everyone should use discouragement and failures as stepping stones to success”
October 12, 2020
“One has to decide how to look at life as Life has both good and bad”
October 13, 2020
“Next century leaders will be those who empower others”
October 14, 2020
“With peace as the purpose of life, happiness comes from experience and growth on its own”
October 15, 2020
“Have faith in yourself, as there is no limit to your dreams and goals”
October 16, 2020
“Success can be achieved only when one comes out of the captivation of the surroundings prohibiting to move ahead”
October 17, 2020
“Always remember that you can do anything but not everything”
October 18, 2020
“Every effort does not lead to success, but every success does not come without efforts, so continue with efforts”
October 19, 2020
“Do not fear for being wrong and enjoy the creative life”
October 20, 2020
“Relationships continue through mutual communication and love is consequence of mutual respect”
October 21, 2020
“One can easily find talented unsuccessful people, motivate them to keep trying to achieve their goals”
October 22, 2020
“Leaders and followers are distinguished by innovations”
October 23, 2020
“Strongest chain that links world together is the remembrance, so do remember if unable to meet”
October 24, 2020
“With every bad happening, remember and be grateful for many good things happening with you”
October 25, 2020
“Every simple thing in one’s life is wonderful and enough, enjoy it”
October 26, 2020
“Do not aspire for being noticed, rather do something for being remembered”
October 27, 2020
“Knowing the capabilities is Knowledge, but not to do something despite knowing how to do it is Wisdom”
October 28, 2020
“Gratitude for present moment opens door for spirituality”
October 29, 2020
“Owning your stories and loving yourself is the bravest thing you can do”
October 30, 2020
“Pure and positive thoughts make life meaningful and beautiful”
October 31, 2020
“Real gift of gratitude is to become more grateful”
November 01, 2020
“Getting wet or feeling rain are two different perspectives of life”
November 02, 2020
“Accept the changes happening in life as these are the circumstances created by Almighty to bring change”
November 03, 2020
“Do not mix what you can not do with what you can do for better performance”
November 04, 2020
“Instead of focusing on problem, focus on the solution and desired outcome”
November 05, 2020
“Positive and negative emotions are always existing in mind, but it is the responsibility of individual to see that positive ones dominate over negative emotions”
November 09, 2020
“Pain of today strengthens you for tomorrow”
November 10, 2020
“One should always be good to people, no matter what happens in life, as this is the only legacy one can leave behind”
November 11, 2020
“One should keep going for remaining better”
November 12, 2020
“Get strengthened by doing the things once considered impossible”
November 13, 2020
“Try to be a person who does not merely think or wish for something rather makes something happen”
November 14, 2020
“A real artist is the one who is inspired enough to inspires others”
November 15, 2020
“Winning patience to achieve goal is tougher than just winning the goal”
November 16, 2020
“Remember that whatever is desired by you definitely exists, so keep working for it without loosing heart”
November 17, 2020
“It is not the time rather it is the heart that is needed to be volunteer”
November 18, 2020
“Leader is the one whose actions inspire others to dream more, learn more and do more”
November 19, 2020
“Do not run after people, as the right kind of people suited for your life will meet, appreciate and be with you on their own”
November 21, 2020
“Work patiently like ants work in silence and never give up”
November 22, 2020
“For achieving success start accepting failures”
November 23, 2020
“Remember that every acclaimed person has been amateur some time”
November 24, 2020
“Winners are not those who do not fail rather Winners are those who do not quit”
November 25, 2020
“Nobody knows how will their story end, but one can ensure that it is not allowed to end with giving up”
November 26, 2020
“Inner thoughts can not be concealed, they get reflected in the energy level of individual”
November 27, 2020
“Always speak to everyone whether he is rich or poor, educated or uneducated, and friend or foe”
November 28, 2020
“You will get results when you stop accepting excuses”
November 29, 2020
“One will be able only when one thinks to be able”
November 30, 2020
“Inspiration plays role only when one is working”
December 01, 2020
“Success will come only when you want to go to it”
December 02, 2020
“Hard work will make you feel great after achieving it”
December 03, 2020
“Spiritual progress depends on the inner purity”
December 04, 2020
“Everyday should start with prayer, forgiveness, patience and love”
December 05, 2020
“Be happy by starting from wherever you are, and doing whatever you can with whatever you have”
December 06, 2020
“Education enables one to learn and change as per need”
December07, 2020
“Schools first teach and then take test while Life takes test first to teach”
December 08, 2020
“Avoid getting confused with people who are always around with those people who are always there with you”
December 09, 2020
“Job of a teacher is to tell where to see but not to tell what to see”
December 10, 2020
“Changes are the outcome of all real learnings”
December 11, 2020
“Keep going to your goal even if you stumble because no static person has chances of reaching the goal”
December 12, 2020
“Plan your own life well so that you do not fall in someone else’s plan”
December 14, 2020
“Formal education gives living while self education gives fortune”
December 15, 2020
“Styles should be fast changing as per current trend but the principles should stand like rock”
December 16, 2020
“Inspire others to dream more, learn more and do more”
December 17, 2020
“Success gets attracted to the person one becomes”
December 18, 2020
“Key to success is to focus on goals and not on obstacles”
December 19, 2020
“One should have energy and perseverance to conquer anything”
December 20, 2020
“Stepping in direction of dreams stimulates Universe to do miracles for you”
December 21, 2020
“You will not feel pressure, if you do not portray something that you are not”
December 22, 2020
“Be grateful in good time and graceful in tough times”
December 23, 2020
“Replace negative thoughts with positive ones to get positive results”
December 24, 2020
“One should visualize process of achieving success instead of visualizing success alone”
December 25, 2020
“Do not worry about yesterday’s loss rather try to win tomorrow”
December 26, 2020
“Actions are the foundation of any success”
December 27, 2020
“Always try to smile to make people around you comfortable”
December 28, 2020
“Try to inspire people for doing whatever they want to do”
December 29, 2020
“Always strive hard to convert every negative situation into a positive situation”
December 30, 2020
“Sweat more during training to bleed less in war”
December 31, 2020
“Most beautiful gift of life is always to be wrapped in gratitude”
January 04, 2021
“Every gift of life should be wrapped in gratitude as its wrapping paper”
January 05, 2021
“Enjoy every little thing in life as these will be big things when you look back and see later”
January 06, 2021
“Best part of the day begins with getting up early and working hard with positive mind”
January 07, 2021
“Get on to something that inspires and motivates you to succeed”
January 08, 2021
“Always be optimistic to remain healthy and resilient”
January 09, 2021
“Always try to be optimistic after getting up in the morning”
January 10, 200
“Everyday brings new opportunities and energy”
January 11, 2021
“Encouragement plays better role than mere corrections”
January 12, 2021
“Nothing is impossible, if the mind, will, desire, efforts and time are put together”
January 13, 2021
“One should clear the mind from word can’t”
January 14, 2021
“It is not possible to have positive life with negative mind”
January 15, 2021
“One carrying the spirit of laughter for others is a blessed person”
January 16, 2021
“Time, Discipline and Commitment are key drivers for Change”
January 17, 2021
“More grateful you are , you can see more of beauty”
January 18, 2021
“Know yourself for enlightenment”
January 19, 2021
“Knowing others is wisdom”
January 20, 2021
“Negativity flourishes on negativity”
January 21, 2021
“Remain inspired for success and excelence”
January 22, 2021
“Action should not be misconstrued with motion”
January 23, 2021
“Let your actions in spire others”
January 24, 2021
“Get your mind opened through wonders than keeping it closed on beliefs”
January 25, 2021
“Do not treat fear as enemy, rather consider it pointer about areas of improvement”
January 26, 2021
“Even obstacles set aside for those who know their goals”
January 27, 2021
“One has to be good listener for being a good speaker”
January 28, 2021
“Identifying destination is the half of journey to reach it”
January 29, 2021
“Don’t doubt your power because it will power your doubt”
January 30, 2021
“Do not remember regrets so that the life is not a miss”
January 31, 2021
“Don’t be just anxious to improve your circumstances, rather try to improve yourself for improving them”
February 01, 2021
“Give yourself the biggest gift of peace of mind by expecting nothing from anyone even after doing something for them”
February 02, 2021
“Gratitude has power to turn behaviour beautiful”
February 03, 2021
“Assess your strength not by lifting weights instead assess it by ease with which you recover upon getting knocked off”
February 04, 2021
“Look at your own reflection as a hero”
February 05, 2021
“Honesty is keystone of any business”
February 06, 2021
“Always remember that purpose of life is life of purpose”
February 07, 2021
“We always compete against ourselves and not any opponent, so always assess about your performance”
February 08, 2021
“Gentleness is strongest thing in the world”
February 09, 2021
“Fear robs the mind of its power of acting and reasoning”
February 10, 2021
“No good knowing your values unless you live those values”
February 11, 2021
“Best dream is to create future”
February 12, 20201
“Desire and purpose are source of energy”
February 13, 2021
“Creation also includes what to do and when to do”
February 14, 2021
“Devote ample time for deliberation before moving for action”
February 15, 2021
“Essence of life lies in energy of mind”
February 16, 2021
“One never gets enough time to do everything, but will always get enough time to do important things”
February 17, 2021
“Be unique by liking yourself more than anyone else”
February 18, 2021
“One sees what is wished to be seen”
February 19, 2021
“Learning without thinking is loosing but thinking without learning is lethal”
February 20, 2021
“Nothing remains impossible when work, commitment and pleasure all come together”
February 21, 2021
“Choose wisely between life and growth as life is change and growth is optional”
February 22, 2021
“Combining imagination and innovation leads to realization of big dreams”
February 23, 2021
“Trying to see without vision is terrible”
February 24, 2021
“Certainty is much more pleasant as compared to doubt”
February 25, 2021
“While preparing for success try yourself to be strong and positive”
February 26, 2021
“Build self confidence by trying to solve difficult tasks”
February 27, 2021
“Best choice ever made is not to care what other think about you”
February 28, 2021
“Every change, even for better, have drawbacks and discomforts”
March 03, 2021
“One cannot change the world, but can contribute little bit like a stone thrown in water creating ripples”
March 04, 2021
“Experience is compilation of mistakes and failures”
March 05, 2021
“Never be angry, because every duration of your anger is your loss of happiness duration”
March 06, 2021
“Every brave person should acknowledge the strength of others”
March 07, 2021
“One of the best qualities in a person is to be grateful to others”
March 08, 2021
“To be happy stop worrying about something that is beyond your will power”
March 09, 2021
“Fill your life with ecstasy through sense of living”
March 10, 2021
“Progress of mind is more important than its direction”
March 11, 2021
“Gratitude is the best flower coming from soul”
March 12, 2021
“Quest for knowledge is pushed by wonders around”
March 13, 2021
“To know about someone, always look at the treatment done with inferiors and not with equals”
March 14, 2021
“Warmth of summer can not be sweet in the absence of cold of winter”
March 15, 2021
“Visitors to any house are its ornaments”
March 16, 2021
“Honesty is the first enabler of Wisdom”
March 17, 2021
“Things will not change rather one has to change accordingly”
March 18, 2021
“Being thankful always creates positivity”
March 19, 2021
“Doing right thing is easier than explaining the reasons for doing wrong””
March 20, 2021
“Always remember that one has to purchase future by present”
March 21, 2021
“Gratitude is mother of all virtues”
March 22, 2021
“Wise use of experience will never be waste of time”
March 23, 2021
“Try to see beauty in everything, it is omnipresent”
March 24, 2021
“More you praise life, more will be there to celebrate in life”
March 25, 2021
“Good action strengthen you and inspire others for good action”
March 30, 2021
“Our attitude before commencing a task affects the outcome most”
March 31, 2021
“Creativity lies not in getting new thing but it lies in making something out of it”
April 01, 2021
“Never get annoyed with the events happening around instead convert them for your good to be happy”
April 02, 2021
“Let us build bridges instead of building so many walls”
April 03, 2021
“Practical use of knowledge is Wisdom”
April 04, 2021
“Break complex task into small ones and start with the first one to keep going ahead”
April 05, 2021
“All noble souls have gratitude as an essential trait”
April 06, 2021
“Be happy for your good health”
April 07, 2021
“Dream paintings and then paint dreams”
April 08, 2021
“Fear of failure helps achieve dreams”
April 9, 2021
“Need to have clear goals, else become strangely slave to daily routine activities”
April 10, 2021
“Self confidence is key for achieving great things”
April 11, 2021
“Do not try to change the existing reality, instead create a new to make existing one obsolete”
April 12, 2021
“Be willing and develop ability to change yourself for shaping your future”
April 13, 2021
“Do connect the dots looking backwards believing that the dots appearing while looking forward will get connected with time”
April 14, 2021
“Today’s society respects rational mind more than intuitive mind”
April 15, 2021
“Strike a balance in your confidence level to learn as too much or too low of it will not allow you to learn”
April 16, 2021
“Do not run after money rather try to learn as much as so that money flows in on own”
April 17, 2021
“One becomes what is chosen decidedly by self”
April 18, 2021
“Place one fears to enter holds the key to success”
April 19, 2021
“When light shines, there is no need to tell anyone about it”
April 20, 2021
“One should carefully select environment to get shaped accordingly, similarly carefully select friends as you will become like them”
April 21, 2021
“Forgiveness cannot change the past, however, it can brighten future”
April 22, 2021
“Always have will to win as well as will to prepare others to win”
April 23, 2021
“One responds to life based on own perception”
April 24, 2021
“Gratitude comes after entitlement flees away”
April 25, 2021
“One should look around with awareness instead of looking back in anger and looking forward in fear”
April 26, 2021
“Forgiveness can not change past but it can change future”
April 27, 2021
“Should enjoy the comfort of opinion with discomfort of thought”
April 28, 2021
“Best thing one can do for others is to help him know himself”
April 29, 2021
“Generally weak are cruel while gentleness is likely to be found in strong”
April 30, 2021
“Decisions taken today decide stories for tomorrow”
May 01, 2021
“Develop the ability to choose one thought over the other to overcome stress”
May 02, 2021
“Any mind filled with new ideas may never become empty”
May 03, 2021
“Be your own fan and clap for yourself when no one is clapping for you”
May 04, 2021
“Have beautiful mindset for beautiful day”
May 05, 2021
“Bravery lies in taking the next step without knowing the consequence.”
May 06, 2021
“Do share your stories with others as it could become survival guide for someone”
May 07, 2021
“Tests are not to show your weakness but to assess your strength”
May 08, 2021
“Happiness should be a choice that does not require any effort”
May 09, 2021
“Do not wait for right time because time does not wait for you”
May 10, 2021
“Depression can largely be countered by love”
May 11, 2021
“Try to do things yourself knowing well that you can’t do it alone.”
March 12, 2021
“Winning makes you happy and losing makes wise”
May 13, 2021
“Application of knowledge is more important than possessing it”
May 14, 2021
“Willingness to do something is important but more important is doing”
May 15, 2021
“A machine is always created for a purpose”
May 16, 2021
“Cheaper things add little to esteem, dearness adds value to everything”
May 17, 2021
“Always try to be bold and venture to be wise”
May 18, 2021
“Always be grateful to everything you create in life”
May 20, 2021
“Be honest and communicate well for maintaining good relations with others”
May 21, 2021
“For building upon, all experiences of life should be considered as arch for it”
May 22, 2021
“Always dwell in the possibilities”
May 23, 2021
“Appreciating others helps strengthen mutual understanding”
May 24, 2021
“Always seek happiness from common things around”
May 25, 2021
“Don’t stop inquiring else doubt will get into your mind”
May 26, 2021
“Never be scared of starting again, you may end up in most satisfying experience”
May 27, 2021
“Courtesies strike deep in grateful appreciation”
May 28, 2021
“Best of success will come after greatest disappointment”
May 29, 2021
“Only thoughtful minds understand great thoughts, while great actions affect every human being”
May 30, 2021
“Good deed will create impact that is much bigger than thousands of good words”
May 31, 2021
“It is not possible to always play with good, but playing with odd is equally important”
June 01, 2021
“Everything remains difficult before it becomes easy”
June 02, 2021
“Fearing from failure will not let you know mistakes, so keep reaching out without fear”
June 03, 2021
“Everything lies in your courage to face whatever comes in life”
June 04, 2021
“Even very little can’t be done under spirit of fear”
June 05, 2021
“One who realizes that he wields power over life and destiny lives in perpetual state of bliss”
June 06, 2021
“To prepare for tomorrow, do today’s work well”
June 07, 2021
“Do everything in life as if every action of yours becomes universal law”
June 08, 2021
“Do not waste tomorrow just by grudging about yesterdays”
June 09, 2021
“Putting knowledge to practical use is wisdom”
June 11, 2021
“Never treat absence of evidence as evidence of absence”
June 12, 2021
“Confident marching towards dream and endeavour to realize dreams gives success for sure”
June 13, 2021
“Dreams and Dedication go together as Dreams require dedication for their fulfillment”
June 14, 2021
“Everything and everyone do not deserve your time, energy and attention so be careful in responding ad reacting”
June 15, 2021
“Purity of life decides the extent to which one can keep vow”
June 16, 2021
“One should not bother for figuring out all before marching ahead”
June 17, 2021
“Only things in control of someone are attitude and efforts”
June 18, 2021
“Time is not everything, but it is one of the important things”
June 19, 2021
“Don’t gamble, but if it is necessary then gamble upon yourself”
June 20, 2021
“Speaking truth is the most powerful tool”
June 21, 2021
“Thinking out of box is not that important as to understand that box does not exist at all”
June 22, 2021
“Do not waste time fishing without establishing that this is the fish you are after”
June 23, 2021
“Always do right things at the end in spite of these being hard”
June 24, 2021
“Anyone doing a lot for others is ought to be happy”
June 25, 2021
“With the brain and feet one can steer in any direction as wished”
June 26, 2021
“Age does not matter if you do not mind it because it is always in mind”
June 27, 2021
“Change your perception towards difficulties, like for some rain is concerning while for some it just wetting”
June 28, 2021
“Everything starts from you so take care of yourself and feel best”
June 29, 2021
“Life is marathon not sprint so have strength in mind”
June 30, 2021
“No one starts with excellence, so start as beginner and try to achieve excellence”
July 01, 2021
“Those who can dance freely without feeling embarrassment, they can rule the world”
July 02, 2021
“Feel the best things by heart as these cannot be seen or heard”
July 03, 2021
“Life is too short, so everyone should learn mutually from mistakes committed by one another”
July 04, 2021
“Every gratitude sweetens and brightens all”
July 05, 2021
“Bravest thing one can do is to just show up”
July 06, 2021
“Believe in being strong even if things are going wrong”
July 07, 2021
“Your dreams sustain your self esteem”
July 08, 2021
“Acts of kindness and courage inspire us be kind and courageous”
July 12, 2021
“Success lies in loving yourself and your actions”
July 13, 2021
“Do make difference by doing something that makes different impact for good”
July 14, 2021
“Desires of all are similar so have confidence that you also possess equal right to fetch your desires”
July 15, 2021
“While pursuing your dream look at yourself alone, because others have no role in it”
July 16, 2021
“Don’t compromise today as there is no yesterday and no tomorrow”
July 17, 2021
“No one can confine you except the walls built by you yourself”
July 18, 2021
“Be bold enough to leave the good and go for best”
July 19, 2021
“Decide to be yourself and enjoy beauty”
July 20, 2021
“Passion of individual is source of motivation”
July 21, 2021
“Doing things even without wishing to do is called discipline”
July 22, 2021
“Weakness lies in giving up, so keep trying to succeed”
July 23, 2021
“Belief in yourself and hard work brings success”
July 24, 2021
“Constancy of purpose is secret of success”
July 25, 2021
“Always consider your testing as the test for knowing strengths and not the weaknesses”
July 26, 2021
“Failure always falls on the way to success”
July 27, 2021
“One who moves on strongly despite fear is powerful”
July 28, 2021
“Aspiring for success without hard work is like expecting a harvest without sowing”
July 29, 2021
“Success is attributed to not giving up and not making any excuses”
July 30, 2021
“Success is to be felt by you and not the others”
July 31, 2021
“Positive thinking and positive action together lead to success”
August 01, 2021
“Being optimistic is an essential attribute of everyone as an entrepreneur “
August 02, 2021
“Keep creating and recreating upon failure without thinking whether you can do it or not”
August 03, 2021
“Success is the culmination of personal aspirations and goals”
August 04, 2021
“To remain happy, one has to define success as per own choices and limitations”
August 05, 2021
“People will encourage successful ones, but you have to encourage yourself to be successful”
August 06, 2021
“Believe in your dreams and secure future”
August 07, 2021
“Highest level of success is Happiness”
August 08, 2021
“Please endure more than you think”
August 09, 2021
“Ambition and action are the first steps to reach success”
August 10, 2021
“Success is outcome of perseverance towards your goals”
August 11, 2021
“Success can be achieved by starting even before you are ready”
August 12, 2021
“Mere focus on success creates stress while focus on excellence brings success with no stress”
August 13, 2021
“Cheering on each other makes us stronger”
August 14, 2021
“It is heartening to see everyone trying to improve the world, but more heartening is to see everyone improving themself”
August 15, 2021
“Quite often our choices affect future more than the abilities possessed by us”
August 16, 2021
“Treat studying as an opportunity to learn and not as a compulsory duty”
August 17, 2021
“Better to see the struggle behind success instead of merely looking at the success”
August 18, 2021
“Dream more, Learn more, and Do more to become a legacy and be a Leader”
August 19, 2021
“A person is defined by how you survive and not by what you achieve”
August 20, 2021
“There is always a stone of hope in mountain of despair”
August 21, 2021
“Don’t evaluate success by money earned but do it by looking at the difference made in lives of other people”
August 22, 2021
“Success is a consequence of sacrifice, hard work, perseverance, studying, learning, and doing anything passionately”
August 23, 2021
“Have courage to stand up and grow as you are”
August 24, 2021
“Always ensure that your courage catches up your passion”
August 25, 2021
“It’s individual and not the circumstances that decide the consequence”
August 26, 2021
“Every time it is best time to plant a sapling for getting tree in future, similarly it is always good to keep working for future”
August 27, 2021
“Dicipline may be painful, but much painful is regret, choice is yours”
August 28, 2021
“Wisdom starts from knowing yourself”
August 29, 2021
“Always try to be a good one, it doesn’t matter who you are”
August 30, 2021
“Whether you consider a day as Day One or One Day, choice is yours”
August 31, 2021
“Do not lose even in defeat, because in defeat also you win by learning the failure”
September 01, 2021
“Stop practice of seeking permissions to achieve greatness”
September 06, 2021
“One can always shake the world in a gentle way”
September 07, 2021
“Have faith in processes while marching to achieve mission”
September 08, 2021
“Everything found bitter in present time is a blessing in disguise for future”
September 09, 2021
“Make all attempts to become a person of value instead of becoming a person of success”
September 10, 2021
“Keep giving, no one becomes poor by giving”
September 11, 2021
“Willingness to take risk generates trust”
September 12, 2021
“Quite often answers are too simple for complex questions”
September 13, 2021
“Carve out time for your genius to perform instead of merely planning and doing routine things”
September 14, 2021
“Preparation and perseverance together is key to success”
September 15, 2021
“Stimulus and response depend upon the power to choose”
September 16, 2021
“If you don’t like anything either change it or change your way of thinking about it”
September 17, 2021
“Have perseverance and confidence in yourself with firm belief that you are gifted with some special talent”
September 18, 2021
“Practice gratitude and feel the extraordinary moments of happiness”
September 19, 2021
“To live happy life be thankful to all available and love everyone around”
September 20, 2021
“Focussing on gratitude pushes disappointment out and brings in love”
September 21, 2021
“Wise person always rejoices for whatever is available than saddening for things that are not available”
September 22, 2021
“Be grateful to life as it gives much more than one expects”
September 23, 2021
“Trust what you do and do it with full vigour”
September 27, 2021
“Discovering secret of life is your responsibility, discover it”
September 28, 2021
“To be accomplished one has to go out and make things happen instead of just sitting back and letting things happen on own”
September 29, 2021
“Being positive is essential to do good things and to be in company of good people”
September 30, 2021
“While being enthusiastic one feels positive energy”
October 01, 2021
“Instead of building so many walls try to build bridges in life”
October 02, 2021
“Practice following the flood of ideas in your mind with vision”
October 03, 2021
“Be confident in yourself before taking any initiative for delivering the best”
October 04, 2021
“Should knock opportunity only when fully prepared for it”
October 05, 2021
“Important is to get motivation and survive with it”
October 06, 2021
“Convert inner sparks into achievements”
October 07,2021
“Try to remain original, avoid getting influenced by others trying to confuse”
October 08, 2021
“Be smart enough to enter into any door that opens to you”
October 09, 2021
“Instead of getting frightened by news ideas, should be frightened of old ideas”
October 10, 2021
“Always be optimistic, as optimism leads to achievements”
October 11, 2021
“Try to figure out silence between notes than trying to figure out music between notes”
October 12, 2021
“Leaving tenacity and deciding to act is key of life”
October 13, 2021
“Every reality has imagination at its back so keep imagining for realizing it”
October 14, 2021
“Not taking risks leads to much bigger risks at the end”
October 15, 2021
“Can’t leave footprints if walking on tiptoe”
October 16, 2021
“Actions make difference, but you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make by your actions”
October 17, 2021
“Your belief for something to work out will open opportunities while believing that something would not work out will lead to confronting obstacles”
October 18, 2021
“Participation of all signals good compromises”
October 19, 2021
“Getting and giving advice is not important unless a few of them are translated into advantage”
October 20, 2021
“Do not try to be better than others, rather always try to be better than yourself”
October 21, 2021
“Always believe in yourself like a bird which is confident of its wings and never afraid of breaking of branch on which it sits”
October 22, 2021
“Do not overthink, just think and act”
October 23, 2021
“One can not change circumstances, so take responsibility to change self”
October 24, 2021
“For achieving great things, need to plan at appropriate time”
October 25, 2021
“Path of success is through hardships and failures as losing leads to winning”
October 26, 2021
“Never be scared of taking first step, everyone has been beginner once”
October 27, 2021
“Even the longest journey is completed by small – small steps”
October 28, 2021
“Never remember while you give something and never forget when you receive something”
October 29, 2021
“Things are good for those who are good at ways in handling things”
October 30, 2021
“Darkness is essentially required for stars to shine”
October 31, 2021
“Great achievements take time and can be accomplished through patience and time”
November 01, 2021
“Get recognized for your actions and not for your plans”
November 02, 2021
“Welcome criticism as it builds character and strength”
November 03, 2021
“Enjoying never goes waste in life”
November 04, 2021
“Never interrupt a person trying to do something that has been impossible for you”
November 05, 2021
“Those interested always get ideas, resources, and people to achieve goals”
November 06, 2021
“Never let happenings in surroundings to let you down”
November 07, 2021
“Desires of anyone get fulfilled only when they are supported by beliefs”
November 09, 2021
“Being grateful is most important trait in living beings”
November 10, 2021
“Willingness to adapt influences from surroundings decide your life”
November 11, 2021
“Important is to see with vision instead of seeing without vision”
November 12, 2021
“Sadness is outcome of thoughts, so be careful about your thoughts”
November 13, 2021
“Do not judge someone by looks, but by how does he treat his juniors not equals”
November 15, 2021
“Treat your friends as your ornaments”
November 16, 2021
“Good is relevant only when bad is around”
November 17, 2021
“Attitude is precursor to the success”
November 18, 2021
“It is important to be concerned about your inner attributes than getting bothered about what is outer world”
November 19, 2021
“Authority intoxicates, so surround yourself with the real well-wishers to continue shining”
November 20, 2021
“Everything in surrounding is your teacher”
November 21, 2021
“Machines are created after the birth of purpose”
November 22, 2021
“Gratitude is mother of all virtues”
November 23, 2021
“Everything remains difficult before it becomes easy”
November 24, 2021
“Always start after deciding what is desired and what can be sacrificed for getting it”
November 25, 2021
“Thoughts in subconscious mind, repeatedly thinking and working for it turns into reality”
November 27, 2021
“To remain productive, never continue with non-productive activities in your memory”
November 28, 2021
“Always be kind because you never know when being kind becomes too late”
November 29, 2021
“Feel blessed in making every choice and be happy with outcome”
November 30, 2021
“Creative ones do not stop after getting new thing but start from it to make something absolutely new”
December 01, 2021
“Live life in such way so that your every act is remembered”
December 02, 2021
“Nothing big can be achieved in garb of fear”
December 03, 2021
“To remain genius keep renewing yourself based on daily experiences”
December 04, 2021
“Important is to develop mind in direction of progress”
December 05, 2021
“Always seek knowledge for wonderful life”
December 06, 2021
“Have clearly defined goals else you will get enslaved by routine things around”
December 07, 2021
“Trying to reach farthest point you see will keep you moving”
December 08, 2021
“To be noble, Be grateful to all”
December 09, 2021
“For improving state of affairs, let’s be critical to every small thing”
December 10, 2021
“Your good actions strengthen you as well as inspire others”
December 11, 2021
“To get something new, do something new”
December 12, 2021
“Never get scared, fear and growth go together”
December 13, 2021
“Always respect your intuitive mind that is a sacred gift”
December 14, 2021
“Leader is the one who is followed by persons on their own choice”
December 15, 2021
“Either move a step forward for growth or hold it back for no risk – no gain, choice is yours”
December 16, 2021
“If there is a gap between intention and results, then accountability holds them together”
December 17, 2021
“Make a start from today, so that you remember today in future”
December 18, 2021
“Good habits keep you in discipline without remembering rules”
December 19, 2021
“Inculcating and maintaining good habits does not want any special efforts to remain motivated”
December 20, 2021
“Always be grateful for what you have while aspiring for much more”
December 21, 2021
“Change your perspective, it is not roses with thorns, rather it is thorns with roses”
December 22, 2021
“To change something in life, always try to do something new in your routine”
December 23, 2021
“Always be grateful to the things you never see around”
December 24, 2021
“Let’s know meaning and purpose of life for making it worthwhile”
December 25, 2021
“Service to humanity is the foundation block of every positive change”
December 26, 2021
“World is created by our thinking, so for any change we need to change our thinking”
December 27, 2021
“Decisions taken today decide stories of future”
December 28, 2021
“Gratitude is gate to power and wisdom”
December 29, 2021
“Performance is a function of individual’s habits”
December 30, 2021
“Expression of gratitudes creates positivity around you”
December 31, 2021
“Its always better to make corrections till it is correctible, instead of going for anything new”
January 01, 2022
“To change future, be ready to change your paradigm”
January 02, 2022
“Every thought leads to another thought, so be thankful for every thought and make a beginning”
January 03, 2022
“Persistence helps achieve a goal like a dripping water washes off stone”
January 04, 2022
“Make gratitude a habit by looking at all things with appreciation regardless of whether they are of your liking or not”
January 05, 2022
“Leadership is always inferred from the impact, influence, and inspiration”
January 06, 2022
“Taking a risk will either bring success or rich experience”
January 07, 2022
“Days ahead in Life are much more important than the days lived”
January 08, 2022
“Always focus your activities with a view of helping others”
January 09, 2022
“Everyone is product of circumstances and decisions taken at times”
January 10, 2022
“Right attitude will always convert negative to positive”
January 11, 2022
“Changes in world are achievable only through education”
January 12, 2022
“Tasting bitterness should not deter anyone from marching ahead”
January 13, 2022
“Fulfilling aspirations begin with determination”
January 14, 2022
“Be grateful to all gardeners who blossomed colourful flowers in garden of your life”
January 15, 2022
“Best skill in life is not to give up”
January 16, 2022
“Breaking captivity of environment around you is first step towards success”
January 17, 2022
“Challenges make life interesting and meaningful”
January 18, 2022
“Rightly understanding situation and confronting odds for right is courage”
January 19, 2022
“Always look at stones of hope in every mountain of despair”
January 20, 2022
“Unless one changes the way of thinking, change in quality of accomplishments is not possible”
January 24, 2022
“Work hard today for making your tomorrow easy”
January 25, 2022
“Never stop till you start feeling proud”
January 26, 2022
“Achieving success is culmination of various processes and not one activity”
January 27, 2022
“Continue marching ahead, do not look back and get satisfied by the distance travelled”
January 28, 2022
“Continue with a spirit of doing every important thing despite all odds”
January 29, 2022
“Have faith in yourself and think big to make everything happen”
February 01, 2022
“Still waters can never train a sailor, ripples and tides are required for creating a skilled sailor”
February 02, 2022
“To start is most difficult thing, to succeed is just matter of perseverance”
February 03, 2022
“Taking steps in right direction take you to best of your life”
February 04, 2022
“Secret of happiness lies in liking whatever you do”
February 05, 2022
“There is no substitute to positive attitude”
February 06, 2022
“Beauty and Happiness go hand in hand”
February 07, 2022
“Life becomes charming whenever in present”
February 08, 2022
“Change within for outer changes”
February 09, 2022
“Your actions culminate into happiness”
February 10, 2022
“Live in present and use past as trainer for future”
February 11, 2022
“It is upto you to decide what do you want to leave as legacy”
February 12, 2022
“Igniting fire in mind takes care of seeking knowledge”
February 13, 2022
“Ultimate weapons for overcoming challenge are being cool and clam”
February 14, 2022
“Someone can only help open door, you have to walk in on own”
February 15, 2022
“Make quality a habit so no special efforts are required”
February 17, 2022
“Believe in dreams and future will be yours”
February 18, 2022
“Influence, direct, and control your surroundings to change your destiny”
February 19, 2022
“Do not worry with defeat as every misfortune holds disguised opportunity”
February 20, 2022
“Be successful by always thinking about success”
February 21, 2022
“Everyone’s birth is important but more important is the way one grows”
February 22, 2022
“Your action is outcome of your thinking”
February 23, 2022
“Bright stars shine even in night with moonlight”
February 24, 2022
“Learning is beautiful thing that cannot be stolen”
February 28, 2022
“Never be frightened of new ideas, instead frightened of old ideas”
March 01, 2022
“Capacity of mind is unlimited so do not put a limit to it”
March 02, 2022
“Progress requires shifting from traditions and norms”
March 03, 2022
“Never give up trying what you want to do, as it will never be wrong as there is inspiration behind”
March 04, 2022
“Keep trying, without tyring everything looks scary”
March 05, 2022
“Be ready while knocking on door of opportunity”
March 06, 2022
“Build on failure and use it as stepping stone without repenting on past”
March 07, 2022
“After every day one can do much more than thought”
March 08, 2022
“Do not run after money instead attract it”
March 09, 2022
“Weakness lies in giving up, keep trying one more time till success”
March 10, 2022
“Make money and use it with wisdom”
March 11, 2022
“Pursue things you love doing and do so well to get appreciated”
March 12, 2022
“Success is a consequence of believing yourself and hardwork”
March 13, 2022
“Knowing what to do allays fear of failure”
March 14, 2022
“One becomes real Champion through the ability to recover after failure and not by number of wins”
March 15, 2022
“Positive thinking and positive actions together lead to success”
March 16, 2022
“Growth and progress are drivers for achieving success”
March 17, 2022
“Expecting success without hardowkr is like expecting harvest without plantation”
March 18, 2022
“Optimism is essential in every entrepreneur”
March 19, 2022
“Get recognized by your own story in your words”
March 20, 2022
“Passion keeps fire for realizing purpose”
March 21, 2022
“Do not give or take excuse for achieving success”
March 22, 2022
“Always be positive and believe every happening to be wonderful”
March 23, 2022
“Don’t just hope and expect but take action to enjoy life”
March 24, 2022
“Progressive achievements of goals is success”
March 25, 2022
“Will power is essentially required with technique and ability to reach to top”
March 26, 2022
“Most powerful is beginning of anything”
March 27, 2022
“No point in waiting for an opportune time to make a beginning, instead just beginning will make conditions perfect”
March 28, 2022
“Change is possible by focusing your energy on building new instead of correcting past”
March 29, 2022
“Seek success by your own efforts and terms to lead a life you are proud of”
March 30, 2022
“Prioritising internal life brings outside enablers to support them automatically”
March 31, 2022
“Every passing month of year provides you blank space with new opportunities”
April 01, 2022
“Honest attempts to achieve excellence assure success”
April 05, 2022
“Believe in the beauty of your dreams and secure future”
April 06, 2022
“Key to success is to start before you are ready”
April 07, 2022
“Improvement requires change but perfection requires frequent changes”
April 08, 2022
“One will never be complete, content, and perfect”
April 09, 2022
“Feel proud of yourself and nurture your attributes”
April 10, 2022
“Always be careful about the legacy being written by you everyday”
April 11, 2022
“Do not be afraid to live a wonderful life, else you repent in future”
April 12, 2022
“Happiness lies within and not in the materialistic things outside”
April 13, 2022
“Don’t just think I can and I should instead start and achieve a goal”
April 16, 2022
“Be prudent in deciding what you want most vis-a-vis what you want now to avoid failure”
April 17, 2022
“It’s not important to know things, but important is to do things”
April 18, 2022
“Defeat is temporary but to give up is permanent”
April 19, 2022
“It is important to know right things but more important is to do right things”
April 20, 2022
“Should build what is loved by people and not what is liked by majority of people”
April 21, 2022
“A ladder is never to rest but to enable one to rise higher”
April 25, 2022
“Remind yourself every day to get taught and learn by listening to happenings around”
April 26, 2022
“To aim at moving mountain start with moving stones”
April 29, 2022
“Thoughtfully use the words as they shape things of future”
April 30, 2022
“Love what you do and when you love it you will be the best”
May 01, 2022
“Never accept failure, every hurdle can be overcome by strong commitment and efforts”
May 05, 2022
“Hope has uncertainty attached to it, so have the dedication to achieve success”
May 06, 2022
“For receiving any thing, learn to ask”
May 07, 2022
“Making attempts is first step to success”
May 08, 2022
“Putting in efforts is more important than worrying for outcome”
May 09, 2022
“No one will know the limits without pushing”
May 10, 2022
“Never get scared of going ahead because success lies just beyond”
May 11, 2022
“Always remain grateful to everything and be happy”
May 12, 2022
“While marching towards goal, ensure that you do not halt anywhere unwantedly”
May 13, 2022
“One should not worry about failures rather be worried about the number of opportunities missed from trying”
May 14, 2022
“Don’t worry about failures, these are opportunities to start again”
May 15, 2022
“Single success compensates for many failures”
May 16, 2022
“Always try to see positive side of anything and see beauty to live happily”
May 17, 2022
“Do not restrict yourself because of what others think and also do not limit others because of your thinking”
May 18, 2022
“Always keep swinging whether in bad times or in trouble because that is only thing one can do”
May 21, 2022
“Must remember while doing anything that you are writing your legacy every day”
May 22, 2022
“Discover the secret of life yourself”
May 23, 2022
“Let’s not build walls rather build bridges in society”
May 24, 2022
“Be your own master and always do things with utmost confidence”
May 25, 2022
“Opportunity for success is within, explore inside and act fast”
May 26. 2022
“Always ensure readiness before knocking the opportunity”
May 27, 2022
“Always believe in what you say and what you act to remain effective”
May 28, 2022
“To understand a person do not look at his accomplishments rather look at what his dreams”
May 29, 2022
“One becomes original only in the absence of anyone trying to confuse”
May 30, 2022
“Loving self brings everything for yourself”
May 31, 2022
“Think well and act fast for enjoying life”
June 01, 2022
“Money alone does not give happiness unless it is accompanied by achievements based on your creative efforts”
June 03, 2022
“Education holds the key to change the world”
June 04, 2022
“Every change looks ugly in beginning but beautiful at the end”
June 05, 2022
“Keep doing your job without expecting compensation to seek success”
June 06, 2022
“Try to expand spaces to fit in yourself instead of shrinking to get fit in available spaces”
June 07, 2022
“Don’t overthink while climbing hill just keep advancing step by step and reach the top of hill”
June 08, 2022
“Braveness at time of scare and humbleness on getting success are great attributes”
June 09, 2022
“Change yourself instead of changing circumstances or seasons”
June 10, 2022
“Change, revise, and adapt are key actions to reach a goal”
June 11, 2022
“Optimism and gratitude in mind brings happiness”
June 12, 2022
“Failure is always part of success”
June 13, 2022
“Planning, time and perseverance are essential for getting great things”
June 14, 2022
“Don’t hesitate in making the beginning, it is first step to success”
June 15, 2022
“There is always a ray of light in extreme darkness for those willing to see”
June 16, 2022
“Don’t remember after giving but do remember after receiving”
June 17, 2022
“Circumstances translate into best with attitude to exploit circumstances for good”
June 18, 2022
“Time and Patience are most important tools for handling any adversity”
June 19, 2022
“Darkness is essential to shine like star”
June 21, 2022
“Begining is always troublesome, never giveup”
June 22, 2022
“Always look for contentment from your actions and not from what other talk about”
June 23, 2022
“Don’t bother for number of failures as even master has failed number of times more than attempted by beginner”
June 24, 2022
“Intelligence has prerequisite of being positive”
June 25, 2022
“Consistency of purpose is secret of success”
June 26, 2022
“Do not hesitate in paying price in terms of efforts and perseverance to achieve goal”
June 27, 2022
“Progressive realization of goals is success”
June 28, 2022
“Doing your best is victory in itself”
June 29, 2022
“Don’t ever think if the past is bad future will not be good, keep working”
July 01, 2022
“Your willingness decides your life”
July 02, 2022
“Learn wisdom from failures and not from success”
July 03, 2022
“Don’t dwell on success to continue getting success”
July 04, 2022
“Results are consequence of attitude”
July 05, 2022
“Everyone can achieve success provided honest efforts are put in at right time”
July 07, 2022
“Attain height to see the world and not for the world to see you”
July 08, 2022
“Success is consequence and not goal”
July 09, 2022
“Habit of deep observation makes a good teacher”
July 12, 2022
“Always look for people who can inspire you”
July 13, 2022
“Gratitude is parent of all virtues”
July 15, 2022
“Thinking decides the height one can achieve”
July 16, 2022
“Winners are always those who think of winning”
July 17, 2022
“Positive attitude indicates your hope for a better time in the future”
July 19, 2022
“Loving yourself is essential to reach goal”
July 20, 2022
“Journey to get happiness is happiness in itself”
July 21, 2022
“Live life for making it role model for all”
July 22, 2022
“Better world is always built by positive people”
July 23, 2022
“Get rid of word of Cannot”
July 24, 2022
“Making future may be risky but it is much riskier to not try for future”
July 25, 2022
“Positivity, optimism, and goodness attract happiness”
July 26, 2022
“Future of present decisions is long term planning”
July 27, 2022
“Passage to success is never final rather it always remains in making”
July 28, 2022
“Begining for bright future rests with present”
July 29, 2022
“Do not fear the future, rather shape it by present”
July 30, 2022
“Learn to avoid criticizing smaller things that can be corrected by criticizing bigger things”
July 31, 2022
“Learn skills and use them creatively for bright future”
August 01, 2022
“Courageously facing fear helps in realising growth”
August 02, 2022
“Try new things to accomplish new goals”
August 04, 2022
“Stars do not hold destiny rather it is individual make it”
August 06, 2022
“Be open to all because anyone small or big can turn the fortune around”
August 08, 2022
“Accountability connects intentions with outcome”
August 09, 2022
“Try to think for long term but execute for short term”
August 10, 2022
“It is important to know where to see but it is much more important to know what to look at”
August 11, 2022
“Imagination and innovation together take to grandest goals”
August 12, 2022
“Like a teacher can change anyone, the education can change everything”
August 13, 2022
“Always care for now to care forever”
August 14, 2022
“Your actions in present redeem the past and change the future”
August 16, 2022
“Happiness is something meant for present not for future”
August 17, 2022
“Big things always begin from small things”
August 18, 2022
“Compassion, humility, and absence of greed are essential for good deeds”
August 19, 2022
“Dreams trigger but only honest efforts create future”
August 20, 2022
“Look at blessings on yourself and life will change”
August 21, 2022
“Be compassionate for immediate and long term happiness”
August 22, 2022
“”Change your habits and change your future””
August 23, 2022
“experience change with ease, it is unavoidable”
August 24, 2022
“Incredibly everyone holds their own future”
August 25, 2022
“Happiness always increases by sharing”
August 26, 2022
“Gratitude opens the passage to power, wisdom, and creativity”
August 27, 2022
“Be careful about the future because one spends life in it”
August 28, 2022
“Happiness lies in not worrying about things beyond control”
August 29, 2022
“Happiness lies in setting goal that commands your thoughts and inspires hopes”
August 30, 2022
“Dream your life and live your dreams”
September 01, 2022
“Answering questions of what do you do for others makes your life”
September 02, 2022
“Future is with those who believe in dreams”
September 03, 2022
“Experiences give lessons for the future”
September 05, 2022
“Do not hesitate to stop to enjoy happiness coming your way”
September 06, 2022
“Courage is to know what is right and act accordingly”
September 08, 2022
“Happiness is small till with you but too big after it leaves you”
September 09, 2022
“Remember every mountain of despair is constituted from a large number of stones of hope”
September 12, 2022
“Life is like a bicycle with gears which one does not know and use often”
September 13, 2022
“There is nothing impossible for those who try”
September 14, 2022
“Combining limited resources with unlimited thoughts leads to success”
September 15, 2022
“Providing lights dispels darkness”
September 16, 2022
“Dedication and passion can help rise above circumstances”
September 17, 2022
“Translate success into significance for society”
September 18, 2022
“Planning is an act of bringing future to present”
September 19, 2022
“Motivation keeps one working harder”
September 20, 2022
“Accept yourself the way you are and march ahead with people liked by you”
September 21, 2022
“Growth is direct function of gratitude”
September 22, 2023
“Gratitude makes you and all around you happy”
September 23, 2022
“Sky is same for all but horizons are different”
September 25, 2022
“One can’t help everyone but everyone can help someone”
September 26, 2022
“Starting over again after losing is sign of vitality”
September 27, 2022
“Choices made by any individual indicate personality”
September 28, 2022
“Every moment while decision making decides fate”
September 29, 2022
“Believe yourself and turn around everything”
September 30, 2022
“Do whatever is desired and feel happy”
October 01, 2022
“Change yourself to see change around”
October 02, 2022
“Start doing without waiting for anything if you want to change world”
October 04, 2022
“Imagination has infiniteness in it, go for it”
October 05, 2022
“Best way to remain happy is to remain involved”
October 06, 2022
“Absence of scare of failure pushes to do great things”
October 07, 2022
“Successful persons do make mistakes but do not stop”
October 08, 2022
“Success is coupled with actions”
October 09, 2022
“Every small thing done in present decides future”
October 10, 2022
“Words and Ideas have potential to change world”
October 12, 2022
“Brave must not only profess courage but also act”
October 13, 2022
“Courage to dream and will to take risk for achieving goals is road to success”
October 14, 2022
“Worry simply eats away present and rarely help in future
October 15, 2022
“Explore opportunity in every obstacle”
October 16, 2022
“Magical things happen when one crosses own inhibition”
October 17, 2022
“Try to make every day better than yesterday”
October 18, 2022
“Bad attitude may bock destiny”
October 19, 2022
“Don’t let your attitude block ways to success”
October 20, 2022
“You only hold yourself back from marching ahead, no one else can hold you back”
October 21, 2022
“Keep moving ahead and you will see further”
October 28, 2022
“Never ignore something you do not know”
October 30, 2022
“Always try to do good to feel good”
November 1, 2022
“Obstacle to Opportunities and Problems to Possibilities is key to be happy”
November 2, 2022
“Anything not challenging cannot change you”
November 03, 2022
“Do not bother for distance and height, just take first step forward”
November 04, 2022
“Use your own influence for yourself and not others”
November 05, 2022
“Have confidence such that anyone’s behaviour does not affect you”
November 06, 2022
“Happiness comes from what you choose to focus upon”
November 08, 2022
“Positive Mind Find Opportunity Everywhere”
November 09, 2022
“Aspire to achieve desires of your life, which are on your finger tips”
November 10, 2022
“Dream together for making dreams bigger”
November 12, 2022
“Avoid negative talking, it affects you first”
November 13, 2022
“All weaknesses are seeds for strength”
November 15, 2022
“Go ahead with determination for achieving satisfaction”
November 17, 2022
“Plan your road map and move with determination to reach goal”
November 18, 2022
“Always have a circle that appreciates you”
November 20, 2022
“Adjusting to change and remaining alert helps survive”
November 21, 2022
“Remain strong despite ups and down”
November 23, 2022
“Peace comes when power of love overcomes love for power”
November 24, 2022
“Smile to change the world and never allow others to change your smile”
November 26, 2022
“Sometimes it is good to change yourself instead of waiting for situation to change”
November 29, 2022
“Possible and impossible are just two opinions”
November 30, 2022
“You have to decide whether you want a day to be Day One or One Day”
December 04, 2022
“Make yourself a priority without scare”
December 06, 2022
“Every adversity has a seed of future opportunity”
December 27, 2022