
“The best politics is right action”

– Mahatma Gandhi

Editor's PickPolitics

Poetry as a Tool of Dissent in Modern-Day Authoritarian Regimes

The recitation of poems and songs at the anti-CAA protests was in keeping with the near-universal practice of deploying poetry to question, challenge, and condemn. Poetry is commonly seen as a tool of dissent in Modern Day Authoritarian Regime in countries like China, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia. Ironically, all over the world, the violent governments that invest millions of dollars in arms and ammunition are precisely the ones hurt most by the weapon of poetry!

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Editor's PickPoliticsWorld

Beginning of a new Cold War

As we reach the midway of 2020, the year is giving no respite from its wrathful events. Apart from the pandemic, the year 2020 will also be remembered as the year of the beginning of a new Cold War. The COVID-19 pandemic has become the flashpoint as both countries blame each other for the devastation caused by the virus across the world. To avoid falling into Tacitus Trap, both the countries are playing the nationalist card to regain their lost legitimacy.

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