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Editor's PickSociety

Poverty Alleviation: An imperative for sustainable development

“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.”
― Aristotle

In simple words, poverty refers to the denial of choices and opportunities, meaning thereby that it will offer insufficiency of food, clothes, education, health, and other basic necessities leading to violation of human dignity due to social discrimination. Human being subjected to poverty will fight for survival and not able to add value to society, rather it manifests into different ailments for the rest of the society. The quick look requires concern towards poverty alleviation, malnutrition, development, etc.

Statistics from World Data Lab shows that out of the world population of more than 7 billion those living in extreme poverty number more than 10% of it.  The geographic distribution shows the urban to rural ratio to be 1:2. The poverty being a curse for the society has compelled for considering poverty removal by 2030 as first among the sustainable development goals. 

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A lot has been done by different countries for power alleviation, but more needs to be done so that the required level of economic growth can be achieved and the humanity does not feel ashamed for poverty anywhere. Every country has its own model for poverty alleviation depending upon its demography, geographical conditions and other factors. In general, it can be said that for getting rid of poverty, enhancement in income and consumption level in the society is essential. Some of the specific interventions needed for improving the situation include:

  • Getting rid of malnutrition
  • Ease of cooking
  • Minimizing the child mortality
  • Good sanitation
  • Access to electricity
  • Dwelling
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Access to education
  • Employment opportunities
  • Strengthening agriculture
  • Improvement in living conditions

May Read: Ending Poverty

Let us not forget that nature has given ample for the human being to survive, but greed has made the situation vulnerable. The inequalities prevailing in society on account of various reasons need to be ironed out to the extent that no one suffers under abject poverty. There is a need to assure that there is availability of equal opportunities to grow for every newborn and survival instinct should not fail anyone. 

“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

Editorial Team, The Rise.co.in

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