

Women Economic Empowerment by the Private sector: A Beacon of Hope?

The private sector is emerging as a powerful participant in the design of policies and regulations as economic growth is one of the most critical outcomes targeted by policymakers. The innovation & execution capabilities of the private sector can unlock the impact potential of new technologies & business models which have the potential to support millions of women in India, especially from low-income households.

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Editor's PickSociety

Impact of COVID-19 on Women Self Help Groups of Odisha

This International Women’s Day, we look at the impact of COVID-19 Women Self-Help Groups of Odisha. While several studies have been done highlighting the role of WSHGs in providing support and sustaining livelihoods during the tough times of the pandemic, not much has been looked upon with regards to the impact on these WSHGs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic seems to have altered many facets of the lives of the WSHG members. However, a majority of them are optimistic about their activities and income returning to pre-pandemic levels in the near future.

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Editor's PickFemaleSociety

A Spine-Chilling Moment for India: Will Hathras become an eye-opener?

The brutality of the Hathras rape was mind-boggling. The questions that beg asking are these: Could the behaviour of the police have been the same if the girl belonged to an upper class and caste? Would the media have maintained a dogged silence for 2 weeks if this had happened in a metropolis? And would those in power remain silent if the incident had happened in a state ruled by the Opposition?

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