
TheRise.co.in is a not-for-profit initiative found by a group of professionals to address the void between the masses of the country and the intellectuals contemplating about the national issues in their universities and think tanks. It is based on the concept of social journalism. It was born into this world with a vision to create an impact in the way opinions are published.

We aim to build a platform exclusively for experts, be it, professors, scientists, administrators, corporate professionals and what not! We offer the platform to motivated experts willing to educate the masses of the country about any contemporary issue of their expertise they deem necessary.

This is especially significant in the present era of yellow journalism and fake news, a time when the people form their opinions on the basis of false rationale and rumours. Our platform helps the readers get an educated viewpoint from the intellectuals having expertise in the area they are writing on.

The era of fake news and paid journalism has cost us dear. Democracies all across the world are finding it hard to tackle these new problems emerging with the advent of new technologies. The global average of Press Freedom Index is slipping down each year. With India’s ranking in Press Freedom slipping down each year, we, as a nation should revive the old glory of journalism. We, as a platform, envision a journalism where the opinions are written solely by the expert. The experts, having a deep insight into the raging contemporary issues related to their field, can and should write on those issues to prevent the masses from falling into the grip of fake news and opinions.

A platform based on social journalism, TheRise.co.in encourages the experts to ‘self-choose’ the topics they feel important enough to be brought into the public sphere. We believe that no one can have a deeper understanding of the potential and the scale of any issue than the expert of that respective field.

We are a fast-growing platform having contributing authors from many universities and think tanks.  We also give the platform to young budding graduates to write on contemporary issues related to their graduation subjects. This motivates the young graduates to observe and think about the concerning issues happening around them.

View our Contributing Authors here.

Let’s democratise this process of publishing opinions. There have been many instances where a particular media house publishes only one kind of articles/ op-eds, thus, discriminating those having a differing opinion by not giving them space on their newspaper/ website. We are here to give space to every type of opinion because we believe in the principle that each opinion must be respected even if we disagree with them. This is what is guaranteed by our Constitution.

Opinions exclusively by experts would help in governance and policy-making of this country. As TheRise.co.in grows, it can become a major platform where experts all across the country can publish their opinions and hence, contribute to India’s future path of growth.

We are currently accepting articles through emails at ideas@therise.co.in. But, in the long-term, we envision to create a social platform where experts can connect, interact, form groups, opinionate and publish articles on their very own website TheRise.co.in.

Our motto is Teaming for Harmony, Equity, Reforms through Intellectually Stimulated Efforts – THE RISE. Let’s use the power of the internet to democratise Indian journalism. Let’s Rise Together!

Editor, TheRise.co.in

The sole aim of journalism should be service.

Mahatma Gandhi